You're the reason
I love losing sleep.
He looked at her with the most positive smile
and her eyes sparkled for that single moment.
don't envy anybody.
every person has something no one else has.
develop that one thing in yourself,
and make it outstanding.
The truth about forever is that
it doesn't last long enough.
Wait for sex.
Although it's one more thing to wait for...
It's one less thing to worry about.
It's one less kid you have.
It's one less teen mom.
It's one less teen dad.
It's one less complication in your relationship.
It's one less hospital bill you will have to pay.
It's one less uncomfortable conversation you will have with your parents.
It's one less mistake.
It's one less statistic.
Wait for sex.
It's one more reason why you can be proud of yourself.
It's one more good label you can have [virgin].
It's one more person able to have a white wedding dress.
It's one more planned pregnancy.
It's one more love story.
It's one more good choice.
Wait for sex. There are pros and cons, weigh them.
You have the choice, but you can also have the consequences.
Life is short.
So sing loud.
Dance often.
Love honestly.
Speak the truth.
And let the only
regret be not
living long enough.
Umbrellas stop the rain from hitting you.
So why use them?
After all, rain is the sky`s tears.
How would you feel if everyone ignored your tears?
Everytime you breathe,
I hope you think of me
While everybody else shakes my hand,
you hold it .
she's a mess of gorgeous chaos,
&& you can see it in her eyes .

We didn't realize we were making memories,
we just thought we were having fun .
change one thing, change everything.
she was a girl that spoke her mind ,
life's too short to dwell on the unchangeable.
it`s not officially summer until you
forget what day of the week it is .
a lie can travel half way around the world,
while the truth is still putting on its shoes .
forgive all who offended you.
not for them, but for yourself.
wherever you go, no matter what weather,
always bring your own sunshine.
Darling, just enjoy yourself.
Page yourself over the intercom ;;
don't disguise your voice.
Then every time somebody asks for you to do something, ask,
"Do you want fries with that?"
Don't use any punctuation.
Skip instead of walk.
Order a diet water wherever you are
and ask it with a serious face.
When the money comes out of the ATM scream,
"I won! I won!"
and when you leave the zoo,
start running towards the parking lot yelling,
"Run for your lives! They're loose!"
Live life crazy
The truth is you can't pick & choose
who you want to fall in love with. Why?
Because everyone deserves a chance.
To be brave is to love someone unconditionally, without expecting anything in return. To just give. That takes courage, because we don't want to fall on our faces or leave ourselves open to hurt.
Just because your eyes are open doesn't mean you can see.
There she is ;; sitting in her room
listening to love songs , thinking
about him , wishing he was there.
she fell, and boy did she get more than scraped knees.
Ten bucks says you'll be crawling into bed with me, putting your hands where they don't belong. And ten bucks says you'll be putting your lips where they don't belong either,
but ten bucks says I won't say no.
If hunger is not the problem,
then eating is not the solution.
You`re only Fourteen. not yet married. So go with the flow. laugh TONS. Use manners. Try something new. Just kiss him already. Trust your feelings. Spend your ca$h. Introduce yourself. Take a chance. Study hard. Seek happiness. Regret nothing. Don`t laugh at peoples dreams. Wish. Challenge yourself. Take pictures. Appreciate the memories. Dance in your underwear. Don`t gossip. Learn from the past. Dress up. then Take your clothes off.
Have the time of your life.
People say they lie because
they are scared of the truth
but in my opinion id rather
know for certain than to
live my life on a possibility.
so go skinny dipping at two in the morning. eat ice cream until you feel like you'll burst. sit in a circle with all your girls and just talk all night long. bake brownies and make a mess. blow up balloons and play volleyball with them. spin in circles in the rain until you fall down. make a huge deal about your bestfriend's birthday. stay up until four in the morning when you have a track meet the next day. skip down the hallways with your arms linked with five other people. have interesting lunch conversations. confide everything to that one friend you know you can talk to. be there for them when things get tough. do it all, and when they ask why, your answer is just because you care.
Go up behind her and tickle her. she`ll
scream and yell & tell you to stop; but i
promise you that inside she loves it.
Here's a black top road with
a faded yellow center line.
It can take you back to a place,
but it can't take you back in time.
I wrote our names
a thousand times
just to see
sitting next to
the day after tomorrow is the
third day of the rest of your life,
be ready for it.
you want a man who will lead you down to the beach
just so you can discover the feel of sand beneath your feet.
you want a guy who will wake you up at dawn
bursting to talk to you, because he can't wait another minute
just to find out what you're going to say.
everyone interprets it differently cause
they experience it differently, but the first
time you know your in love, is when
someone asks you, "are you in love" &
you don`t have to think twice, you just say yes.
go for the happy endings,
because life doesn't have any sequels.
none of those other things make a difference.
love is the strongest thing in the world, you know.
nothing can touch it. nothing comes close.
if we love each other, we're safe from it all.
love is the biggest thing there is.
the key to success is trying when
everyone else tells you to give up.
to live is the rarest thing;
most people only exist.
He made me realize it is possible
to have permanent butterflies.
So its not gonna be easy.
Its gonna be really hard
We're gonna have to work at this everyday
But i want to do that because
I want you, i want all of you.
Forever, you and me.
(The Notebook)
Life gets handed to you everyday. Take it and run like hell.
he had one of those rare smiles.
with quality of eternal reassurance
in it that you may come across
four or five times in life.
She was the girl who always carried a camera,
trying to find beauty in a world so flawed.
She's just a silly girl. who keeps her hopes too high
& her jeans too low. who lives by quotes & can`t ever
seem to say the right thing at the right time. she's just
another pretty girl looking for herself in a big world.
is anybody satisfied with
who they really are?
maybe we like the pain.
maybe we're wired that way.
because without it, i don't know;
maybe we just wouldn't feel real.
-Grey's Anatomy
I think that's what's wrong with the world;
No one says what they feel.
They always hold it inside.
They're sad, but they don't cry.
They're happy, but they don't dance or sing.
They're angry, but they don't scream.
Because if they do, they feel ashamed.
And that's the worst feeling in the world.
So everyone walks with their heads down.
And no one sees how beautiful the sky is.
Love doesn`t require you to be perfect;
Love requires you to forgive.
We talk like we know what's going on,
but we don't.
We don't know anything.
We're young and we're gonna screw-up a lot.
We're gonna keep changing our minds
and even sometimes our hearts.
And through all that,
the only real thing we can
offer each other is forgiveness.
-dawson's creek
50% of what people say when they are joking, is true.
caída en amor con mí
[ fall in love with me ]
My new favorite song,
is the beating of your heart.
often, i find myself wanting to be alone.
but my biggest fear is that i will be.
Don't waste your life on someone
who wont waste theirs on you.
define your own reality.
If you turn your head to the side,
And squint a little;
It looks as if they're in love.
The only thing standing between
me and total happiness is reality.
Feeling and action are always linked,
one can't exist without the other.
He said "Some people believe everything happens for a reason. And some people, well don`t". She said "Its not that i believe everything happens for a reason, its just that i think that somethings are meant to be broken. Imperfect. Chaotic. Its the universes way of providing contrast, you know?
There have to be a few holes in the road. Its how life is.
For anyone of us our forever could
in an hour, or a hundred years from now.
You never know for sure, so you'd better
make every second count.
Be alive- forever is always changing.
But if something was really important, fate
made sure it somehow came back to you
and gave you another chance.
The truth is, nothing is guaranteed.
Don't be afraid - be alive.
Anyone can hide. Facing up to
things, working through them,
that's what makes you strong.
your doing what everyone else is doing and
guess what? everyone else is doing it wrong.
© ank__quotes
i look around, turn the radio down. he says, "baby is something wrong?" i say, "nothing, i was just thinking how we
The boy of every girl's dream ;;
Sees past the flaws and imperfections.
Past the mistakes and the tears;
and still finds a way to love her.
But today, I like, I guess I just really realized that I have you. And you’re my inspiration.
it's better to laugh about nothing
than to cry about everything.
Newsflash ::
When a girl says she's cold,
mirror, mirror on the wall.
tell me, why isn't life fair at all?
Perfection is killing her.
hi is such a small word but depending
who it came from it can mean so much.
you are the question.
and i need it answered.
My biggest fear? No, it's not spiders
or snakes or even clowns. Although
I do tend to have nightmares about
them. But this fear is so much bigger.
Bigger than me or you. The fear of
leaving this world without effecting
someone's life. Without leaving a
memory of me somewhere on this
earth. Yeah, that's what I’m afraid of.
She is the kinda girl that is
underestimated. No one
believes in her, somedays
she finds it hard to believe
in herself. But throughout it
all, she has learned that she
has so much potential. She’s
the kinda girl other girls wanna
be , she is one of the real girls.
"I hate you," he whispered.
I stared at him, shocked and confused.
Then he whispered, "It's opposite day."
i dont want
to become just
a memory.
and he had this sort of accidental smile that
always found it's way across his lips before
he could worry about looking uncool.
someone is
exactly how you feel. someone is dreaming;
someone is hoping just that this will be the day
that you take your eyes off the ground,
out of the blue, and see that someone is
looking right back at you.
that day? yeah, the sun was out, but
it wasn't shining quite as much as i was.
I want something to wake up for every morning. It doesn't have to be someone, but I'd like it to be. It just needs to exist. I want to stop disappointing people, because I want to stop disappointing myself. I want to stop making friends with the right kind of people who make me feel wrong. I want to find a passion for anything, anything to keep me going. I want to be the girl at the end of the movie who does the half smile, and knows everything will be fine. I want total honesty to be easier to achieve. I want to end my life as myself ;; not my friends, not my family, and not who they always expected I would be. I want equality to exist among everyone. Especially prejediced teenage girls. I want stress and exhaustin to disappear. I want to acheive everything they
A promise is a promise, at least that's what
they say. Welcome to reality, they're
life's a garden, go dig it.
just a hook with the pinkies
& it was said.
we'd be best friends forever.
© shweet_quotesx3
dearly beloved,
we are gathered here today
to remember what it's like
to be alone
and to listen to the silence
as the casket is lowered
and the mother starts to cry
and the aunts try to comfort
and the father doesn't cry
and no one tries to comfort him
and the silence
like a thousand pieces of paper
ripping in half
and the day you danced
in front of a three way mirror
seems like a lifetime ago
as the father starts to cry
and no one knows what to do.
Don't hold back.
Dance like your a superstar.
Sing your highest note.
Act like the real person you are
make love, not sense.
there was a quick move. a sudden burst of
heat and i swear to you, my heart skipped
a beat when your lips touched mine.
i'd like to believe the best of me is something i have yet to see.
When she's silent that's when you know
something's wrong cause she's always the
one to get in trouble for talking to her friends
& telling secrets about the girl sitting across from
her & screamin i love you in the halls. so when
she's not talking, theres a problem.
she's a casuality of all the pressure, and now we've lost her for good.
and he would never understand her
and she would never trust him.
two kids with a common interest:
they loved each other.
but they were just so scared.
suddenly, I knew what I had to do. love isn't about little words. love is about grand gestures. love is about airplanes, pulling banners over stadiums, proposals on jumbo-trons, giant words in sky writing. love is about going that extra mile, even if it hurts, letting it all hang out there. love is about finding courage inside of you that you didn't even know was there.
all love stories have one thing in common
you have to fight the odds to get there
when you look in his eyes and he's looking back at yours, everything feels not quite normal because you feel stronger and weaker at the same time. you feel excited, and at the same time, terrifed. the truth is you don't know what you feel except you know what kind of person you want to be. it's as if you reached the unreachable and you weren't ready for it.
i love you too.
mean it.
Be yourself, that way no one can
tell you you're doing it wrong.
You are sanity in an insane world.
You're reason where there
any reason . . Reason to live.
Dear God,
make me a bird so i can
fly far, far far away.
Love, Me.
It’s the possibility that keeps us going. Not the guarantee.
Unless it's mad, passionate, extraordinary love, it's a waste of your time. There are too many mediocre things in life, and love shouldn't be one of them.
Love is about being cute & stupid together,
not being in bed together.